Enduring Promises

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22

Humankind has found a way to do many things that at one time were deemed impossible. From air flight to space exploration, to the computer and the internet, bioengineering, uses of reproductive technology and more. It is clear, humans have accomplished some amazing things yet with all of its demonstrated ability, we have not been able to affect the seasons. They come and go as God planned and will continue to do so until God says so. It is a demonstration of the power and continuing faithfulness of God. Praise Him for His ever-enduring covenant and promises to us. May they never cease. #seeds #harvesttime #God #Godswill #PowerOfGod #earth #HopeinHim #faifulnessofGod #TrustInGod #GodNeverFails #GodsPlan #seethesonrise


Light of Hope


Seasonal Change