Early Morning Fishers

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people. “Matthew 4:19

Jesus compares fishing as a metaphor for becoming a fisher of men. Fishermen are patient. They are willing to get up early in the morning because it’s the best time to catch the most fish. There are a number of reasons for this. One of those reasons is because of the food chain effect. Just like fish are more active in the morning so are insects which feed the fish. David was someone who got up early to seek God. It was in the morning before doing anything else that he sought God for strength and inspiration to tackle what he would face for the day. It was as he gained strength that he was ready to face the day and so can we. Seeking God early in the morning prepares us and empowers to draw others to Christ. Let us all desire to become fishers of men. #fishersofmen #DisciplesOfChrist #discipleship #God #fishers #followers #representChrist #morningworship #strength #empoweredbyGod #seekGod #seethesonrise


Hear and Obey


Child of God