Child of God

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians 3:26-27

Making disciples can be easier said than done. If you are living a life representative of Christ, it can encourage others to follow you. Yet too often we hear of people diminishing Christ followers because their actions simply don’t align with their words. Being a Christ follower is easy if and only if we are living lives representative of who He is. It is when we exhibit lives that are inconsistent with His word that devalues the desire to become a Christ follower. May our words and actions always align with our deeds. If we truly believe in His word, then we are His disciples indeed (John 8:31). #followers #Christ #follow #dogood #Godswill #GodsWord #helpingothers #faith #God #disciples #childofGod #ChildrenOfGod #seethesonrise


Early Morning Fishers


HIS Righteous Eyes