Cast Your Cares

“Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.” (Psalm 55:22) “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Whoever spoke these words apparently had not met King David. David called out to God in prayer because of the threats and the words his enemy was saying about him. Their words besieged his thoughts causing David extreme agitation and suffering. So what did he do? He prayed! His prayer was specific and heart wrenching. He told God what was happening, how it affected him, what he wanted God to do, and remembers in prayer what God had done for him in the past (see Psalm 55). And in doing so it gave him the encouragement to go to the source of his power. David could call out to God in his distress because of the relationship he had with Him and because he trusted in His power. When David says “cast your cares on the Lord” he is saying throw them out. Notice He doesn’t tell you what God will do with your cares but what David doesn’t do is pick them back up again.When you give God your burdens it’s no longer your concern. Just believe that He has everything in control.

Join Pastor Mamie for Trifecta of Destruction: Part 1 ANXIETY, a free 90-minute webinar THIS Saturday, June 27 at 10am (EDT). Learn how to unmask the root of your anxiety and gain biblical tools to cope and overcome. Register on Eventbrite:


Dispelling Fear


Heavy Load