Believe in God

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

Daily we're hearing of the loss of life, either of someone we know, an acquaintance, or some well-known public figure. Difficult, yes, and getting through the heartfelt despair of loss requires relentless effort to see hope beyond the walls of death. God knows hearing news of death day after day is distressing however, life in this world is not the end. It is an opportunity to share your faith with those who remain, to give them hope and a brighter outlook of eternal life through Christ Jesus.

#BelieveInGod #trust #SeekGod #TrustGod #Godisgood #HopeinChrist #seethesonrise


Cry Out, God Hears All


Compassion of the Father