Value of Your Vow

“When you vow a vow to God, do not delay paying it, for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you vow.” (Ecclesiastes 5:4)

Have you ever heard the phrase “Don’t let your mouth say something that your (you fill in the blank here) can’t cash? Well, there is significant wisdom in that saying and occasionally you will hear such rhetoric and find that it aligns with the teaching of wisdom in God’s word. King Solomon was full of wisdom and here in Ecclesiastes 5:4 he is essentially saying the same thing (although not exactly). Solomon advises that you not make an oath to God when you have no plan to fulfill it. What great wisdom is found in God’s word! #God #Godsword #wisdom #GetWise #GodsPlan #seethesonrise


Succession Planning


Take Refuge, ALWAYS in the Lord