Spiritual Strength

“With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.” (2 Chronicles 32:8)

Spiritual strength can overcome physical limitations. Throughout the bible we hear of individuals who despite their perceived limited physical ability they overcame tremendous obstacles. Consider David and the giant Goliath, or Moses leading the children of Israel, or Gideon who from the smallest tribe of Israel defeated the Midianites. It wasn't their strength that gave them success it was their faith in God that made them victorious. When you grow in faith you grow in strength. #strengthinGod #PowerOfGod #HolySpirit #victoryinChrist #faithinGod #nolimitsinChrist #GodStrength #confidenceinGod #growthinfaith #NoFailureInGod #Victorious #seethesonrise


Increase Your Faith, Trust GOD


Power in the Preached Word