Set Your Mind on Christ

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2)

The mind processes 11 million bits of information every second so it is easy to understand information overload. God knew this and gave us a way to filter unnecessary data so that we don’t become overwhelmed. Trying to understand everything occurring in the world is mentally exhausting and physically debilitating. However, when you set your mind on the things of Christ, you will find peace, the kind of peace that comes from God alone. It is a peace that is developed as you get to know Him and the more you know Him the more peace He gives. God’s peace is peace that brings rest to the weary and strength to the weak and it all begins by getting to know Him. #GodAlone #GodsWord #MindOfChrist #PeaceinHim #restinChrist #strengthinHim #knowingChrist #setyourmindonChrist #LifeInChrist #KnowingChrist #liveforChrist #seethesonrise


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