Morning Prayer

“Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” (Psalm 55:17)

How you begin the day will influence the rest of your day. The Hebrews began their day in the evening and the first thing David would do was communicate with God through prayer. He began his day in prayer because he knew God would hear him because of the relationship he had developed in prayer. David’s interaction wasn’t a one and done but a constant interaction that developed a relationship of dependence and confidence. It is when we center our life on Him that we too can be assured that He will hear and answer us. Starting your day with prayer opens the door to receive God’s blessings. #blessingsfromGod #prayers #God #faith #Godhearsyou #praywithoutceasing #MorningPrayer #NoonDayPrayer #EveningPrayer #seethesonrise


He Answers Unrest


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