I Want to Know Christ

“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead (Philippians 3:10-11).”The aim of any good Christian is to be like Christ but do you know what you’re asking for? Christ did some amazing things and experienced amazing successes but He also experienced some heart wrenching challenges and less than joyous times. One of the biggest challenges He faced was spreading the faith. Not everyone’s response was a positive one and it is the same today. Jesus was a peacemaker. When Peter cut off the centurions ear Jesus restored it. When in the wilderness tempted of Satan instead of engaging in argument and physical recourse He used scripture. When times were hard He prayed. When faced with accusations from the religious hierarchy He remained silent. As He grew weak hanging from the cross He sought forgiveness for His accusers.You see, being like Christ is easier said than done. During this season of sacrifice you may have given up a particular something that prevents you from growing closer to Christ but did you ever think that it could never measure up to His sacrifice? Men and women fighting on the battlefield that’s sacrifice, mothers and fathers who work long and hard for their family is sacrifice, giving up your free time to help another is sacrifice, choosing to be last instead of first is sacrifice, staying up with a sick love one is sacrifice, running into a burning building to save a life is sacrifice, paying for someone’s grocery is sacrifice. As you can see, sacrifice is selfless as its focus is on the needs of others.So each day as you consider the sacrifice you made to develop a closer relationship with Christ, realize that it will never be more than He did for you. Our desire is to gain understanding in the strength and power of the resurrected Christ as our souls are refreshed as we join in communion with Him through our sacrifice; to experience a rising up of power that indwells in our soul that brings new life. “I want to know Christ”!


Don't Worry, Pray

