God Cares

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“The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).”

One of the catastrophes of the pandemic was the tremendous loss of life. Some were mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles, friends along with other relatives and acquaintances. Although unbelievers can have a hard time dealing with death, Christians are equally left to deal with the harsh reality that the one they loved is gone. Seeking to cope with loss especially knowing that God could have healed them is a mystery that many wrestles with. Still, as difficult as it is to understand this there is comfort in knowing that God understands your grief and overwhelming disappointment.

Death is an avoidable reality but death for the Christian is not final. It was on the cross that Jesus forever defeated. Yes we will die on this side but there is an eternity that awaits all believers where death will be no more.

Don’t think that God doesn’t care, He really does.


Food for Your Soul


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