From the Time of Birth ... there is inequality


“When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created.” (Genesis 5:1-2). At birth we enter into an environment of inequality. The world places us in categories at birth. Our birth certificate not only identifies the baby’s name, place of birth, parents name etc., but it also asks for sex/gender, the time of birth, mother and father’s race and ethnicity, highest level of education completed, and occupation. From the time of birth there is inequality. However it was while watching the funeral of George Floyd that it hit me that there is one thing that makes us equal and that is death.

Death is inescapable. It doesn’t care about the family you were born into, your financial position, your gender, your ethnicity, your education, your views or otherwise. I believe, and I say this with the utmost respect and sympathy to George Floyd’s family, I believe they would rather have him here with them instead of the fate he experienced. Did his parents know that their son would be a martyr or that his senseless death would provoke a people to look at themselves and ask what does it mean to be human, to be victimized. Whether you are able to relate to being black or not hopefully you can relate to being a mother watching the horrors her son experienced almost two weeks ago.When God created us He didn’t create distinctions, He created humans and breathed His breath into our bodies. It was when sin was introduced that distinctions were being made. That is why they covered themselves when God entered the garden.Hate is in our mind controlled by the sins of the world. If you want to see change, God gives you an anecdote. “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5).





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