Devoted Decision

“Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing.” I Kings 18:21

There are times you have to make a choice and it isn’t always easy. Elijah asked the prophets of Baal to make a choice. There were a few things on the line. The children of Israel had suffered because there had been no rain for more than three years and a showdown takes place. Who wouldn’t choose to serve the God who could relieve them of their distress in favor of a god who’d shown no power at all to fix their situation?

Everyday you’re faced with making decisions. Some minor and some not so much so. But when it comes to your devotion to Christ, the decision should be easy, if you trust in Him and in His love for you. A decision for Christ, to follow Him, to love Him, and to share Him is always the right decision. #TrustGod #God #Christ #Godisfaithful #Godlovesyou #Christdiedforyou #PowerinChrist #LoveGod #serveGod #powerofGod #devotedtoGod #trustHim #FollowGod #seethesonrise


Decision Making


Focus Your Mind on Christ