Come As You Are

“When Jesus entered the temple courts, he began to drive out those who were selling. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be a house of prayer’; but you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’” (Luke 19:45-46)

Growing up in the church I use to hear the phrase, “come as you are”. Unfortunately, they really didn’t mean it because if anyone came with anything perceived undesirable, it was made clear you were not welcome. When Jesus cleared out the temple courts it was because they weren’t using it in the way it was intended. The money changers were charging extremely high prices for their goods, as well as the animals that were to be used for the sacrifice, sacrifices that were used for worship.

Jesus’ act in cleaning out the temple was about those who sold as well as those who bought. God’s house is a house of worship. A place where people go to fellowship, to get spiritually fed, to encounter Christ and today, His will has not changed. May we come as we are but not leave the same. #worshiptheLord #temple #WorshipChrist #SacrificetotheLord #Jesus #prayer #fellowship #church #God #seethesonrise


Fulfilled and Blessed


Sustainer of Life