Access God Through Faith

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

You’ve heard this scripture before but how much do you believe and understand the power that is in it? If you have received Christ, God is for you and no one and nothing can prevent God’s desire for you. Knowing this should provide you with great confidence realizing that you can approach God boldly. Such acknowledgement of God being on our side could lend itself to pride and inflated egos, but when you really know Him, you approach Him in fear and trembling. It isn’t because of who we are but our faith in Jesus Christ that gives us this access. God is for us; He is for you!

#Godisforus #trust #prayers #Godhears #TrustGod #access #Heiswithyou #heiswithus #praywithconfidence #GODANSWERSPRAYERS #seethesonrise


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